Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Clean & Jerks


Warmup (jumprope, stretching, handstand push up practice)

Clean & Jerk
135 x 5
185 x 2 x 2
225 x 2 x 2
245 x 2 x 2
255 x 2 (good cleans, failed jerk)

10 - 8 - 8 - 6 reps of the following:
Butterfly pull-ups
KB snatch (1.5 pood)
Pistols i.e. One legged squats (alternating legs)
For time: 10:21

5 rounds:
15 Glute ham sit-ups
25 Back extentions
For time: 10:51

Daily report
  • Body: Good. Back a little sore.
  • Sleep: A little too much. 10 hours. Lazy morning.
  • Nutrition: Good. Made stir fry tonight again. Learned how to dice an onion. I have found a new appreciation for cooking.
  • Coaching notes: 245's felt very solid. 255 jerk should have come... breathing really came into play. A big belly of air would have made the lift. Otherwise, first pulls were solid.. set up for good position into triple extension. At 225 there was awkward contact with legs between second and third pull. Fixed this for rest of sets.
  • Notes: Lazy during met cons. Was a bit tired after the cleans. Kept good pace, didn't push very hard. Situps/Back extensions were killer. Took one minute break after 3 rounds... hamstrings and lower back were dead.
  • Cool link of the day: This guy lives in a 100 square foot home. Check out his shower setup. Intriguing.


  1. Good weight on the c&j dude! Are you just training at the school gym?


  2. Thanks bro! Yeah, just my school gym. We've got a pretty legit setup with a platform and bumper plates.

    And good call on Paleo Solution. I read it right when it came out... Robb Wolf knows his stuff and knows how to word it in a way that connects with people. It's a really great read. Let me know what you think.

    And thanks for following, I think you should start one of these too. It is really nice to come back after a lift and reflect on how the day went.


  3. I think I will. I'm in the middle of finals now so probably after that I will. It would definitely get me more focused on my goals, and how I'm living up to my standards.

    The book I ordered for my mom I started reading, mainly as a break from studying. It's very interesting stuff; with my limited knowledge of biology I'm just kind of taking what he says as the truth, but after New Years I'm gonna try to go at least a month strict paleo and see how I feel. I eat relatively clean but I don't think it's strict enough to get into the ketogenic state.

