Saturday, June 16, 2012


I suppose it's time for an update. I've been in Hong Kong now for two weeks and finally got around to finding the local Crossfit affiliate. It is located on the same MTR (subway) line as I live, so it's very convenient. It only costs me about $1 USD per trip, so it's affordable as well. The staff there is very friendly, and their box is growing fast. I've never been to an affiliate with such a diverse member base, either. I've met people from all over the USA, as well as Denmark, Sweden, the UK, and elsewhere in Europe and Asia. There's some very good competition, too... quite a few would be considered firebreathers. Anywho, I've done three WOD's with them thus far, across the past week:

5 rft

10 ohs -- 50 kilo
15 bar facing burpees
20 l-ups

6 rounds
complete the following in 1 min
5 kbs -- 2 pd
15 burpees
1 min rest b/t rounds

power clean
work to heavy triple
100 kilo (laid off a bit; could have gone a little heavier)

7 rft
7 thrusters -- 50 kilo
7 pull ups
7 box jumps -- 24"


  • body: very sore after this last one. thumb is officially fucked up. going to need to see a professional when i return to the usa, i think.
  • mind: learning a ton in my internship. diet has been well. started drinking tea instead of coffee...  i feel much better drinking it.
  • spirit: it feels right to put my hiking adventures here. it's beyond healthy for the body or mind taking a few hours to hike up a hillside and back down again. the trails here are magnificent.
  • m/f/s: 3/5/3