Monday, March 31, 2014

300th post

Friday: 15.5

thrusters 95#
bar facing burpees
for time: 15:05

thoughts: YUCK! at about 12's, i did not want to be in my own skin. i am lucky i had a judge who took over my internal voice for me because if he wasn't yelling at me to keep going the score would have been worse. if 10 is me at my best and 1 is sick and dying, i felt about a 6. i rarely almost hurl during a workout but at 15's i almost blew chunks.

Saturday: recovery day.

Sunday: ran 9 miles outside in boots. felt strong; solid pace throughout. long and slow. adding weight this week.


Deadlift 1x5 (335)

Elizabeth - 21-15-9
Deadlifts 225
For time: 7:41 (DL's unbroken, HSPU rx'd until set of 15, then +1 abmat)

daily report:

  • mind: diet kicks in tomorrow. unbroken april.
  • body: arms sore, legs sore, not terrible but enough to walk funny.
  • spirit: great post
  • m/f/s: 8/4/4 (shitty mood.. idk why. not the best diet this weekend)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

monday crossfit

Front squats 5x3 at tempo: 23X0
185, 185, 185, 185, 185

21, 15, 9, 15, 9, 6, 9, 6, 3 rounds of the following (i.e. 93 reps ea)
thrusters 75#
bar facing burpees

for time: 14:37

  • Mind: Good diet throughout the day. Mood would have been better with higher quality sleep. Haven't been sleeping the best lately and think it may be the weak link in my training...
  • Body: Sore calves from running, otherwise good. Going to feel this one tomorrow.
  • Spirit: Highly recommend The Black Swan... going to start antifragile this week.
    • It has been more profitable for us to bind together in the wrong direction than to be alone in the right one.”
    • “When you develop your opinions on the basis of weak evidence, you will have difficulty interpreting subsequent information that contradicts these opinions, even if this new information is obviously more accurate.”
      Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable 

Monday, March 24, 2014

a few more crossfits

CFSLP, 3/18/2014, 5:30pm

hand power snatch, emom x 3reps
135, 145, 155, 155, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165, 165

30,15,15; 20, 10, 10; 10, 5, 5 rounds of:

Walking lunges w/ KB in front rack

For time: ~6 minutes

Run outside, ~4 miles

WOD at home:

5 rounds for time
Run 600m
10 goblet squats, 2pd
15 kbs, 1.5pd
20 situps

Daily report:
Mind: Getting there.
Body: Legs still sore from squats, but feeling a lot better than a few days ago. Some soreness in traps/shoulders/arms.
Spirit: About to finish Black Swan. Need another book to read... perhaps Codebreakers.
M/F/S: 5/5/5

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

sore. legs.

Did one at Crossfit St Louis Park...

Strength: Max Turkish Getup - 1 rep/arm
Easily got the 2pd kettlebell, moved on to barbell
Worked up in 10# increments from 45# bar and got to 75#... ran out of time or I think I could have gotten 95.

Hero WOD: JT

Ring Dips

For time: 14:01 (ouch)

Daily Report
  •  Mind: Terrible sleep the other night. So bad that I came home at 5PM and slept until 10PM. Slept okay last night... feeling better today.
  • Body: HOLY LEGS. SORE AS F***. Need to go for a walk or run this afternoon to flush. Seriously difficult to walk.
  • Spirit: “All I know is that while I’m asleep, I’m never afraid, and I have no hopes, no struggles, no glories — and bless the man who invented sleep, a cloak over all human thought, food that drives away hunger, water that banishes thirst, fire that heats up cold, chill that moderates passion, and, finally, universal currency with which all things can be bought, weight and balance that brings the shepherd and the king, the fool and the wise, to the same level. There’s only one bad thing about sleep, as far as I’ve ever heard, and that is that it resembles death, since there’s very little difference between a sleeping man and a corpse”
    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quijote de La Mancha
  • M/F/S: 6/3/9 

Monday, March 17, 2014

go time

I've been training regularly since my last post but haven't been logging much here. The past two days have been pretty fun. I plan to keep this updated now with two major events coming up. 1) GoRuck Heavy in Chicago this May; 2) TC Marathon in October. We had a brutal winter in Minneapolis this year that left me training many times at the gym in the skyway near where I work. I generally prefer to workout outside when I can -- not being able to walk outside without frozen eyebrows has been depressing. For the past while I have followed this routine:

1) Warmup
 -- Arm swings, leg swings, lunges, torso twists, etc
2) Strength
 -- Large movements i.e. squats, deadlifts, press, push press, cleans, snatch
 -- Low-ish reps i.e. 3x5 or EMOM 2 reps for 10 min.
3) Metcon involving gymnastics
 -- Focus on burpees, pushups, and jumping
4) Bust ass
  -- Tabata sprints, stair stepper, rowing sprints, something to end on at full speed
5) Cooldown

I've been diggin this so far but I need to get more in shape for these contests coming up. I recently did a cleanse for 5 days that involved eating very little and drinking a lot of water (formally: neera cleanse). I felt awesome after the 5 days and was very focused and "in the zone." Coming off the fast, however, I learned some things. Tiltrate onto the diet, ease off the diet. I went from eating regularly to not eating cold turkey, which was managable but not advisable. THEN going from not eating to eating regularly i.e. back to regular protein and fat quantities was frankly stupid. Next time I do this cleanse I will have my "on/off ramps" detailed and follow them just as strictly as I follow the cleanse.

Other things I noticed: increased sensory perception i.e. clearer thoughts, brighter colors, more in-tune with nuances of music (no I was not taking acid), less stress in general i.e. more calm and able to stay focused on tasks, peeing much more often (always pale-colored... the "detox" portion of the cleanse was most evident in how much I was peeing, sorry if TMI), in general I would say my cells were communicating much more efficiently/effectively as a result of not being bogged down with having to digest.

The past few days I've had some good workouts.


10 KBS - 2pd
5 TGU - 1.5pd
10 KBS
10 TGU (other side)
Run 600m
Time: ~30 min

EMOM back squats
255 x 3 x 10 min

Tabata sprints
15% ele, 7 mph

Daily report:

  • Mind: Tired. Not feeling 100% but getting there.
  • Body: Legs very sore after squat session. Not much soreness otherwise. Need to be mindful of water intake (I don't think I'm getting enough at the moment)
  • Spirit: Reading Black Swan right now. Fantastic read... reminds me a bit of Freakonomics but more dark and the implications are applicable to what's happening in the world right now.
  • M/F/S: 4/5/5 (reminder: m/f/s = mood/fatigue/soreness; less is better e.g. 1/1/1 = happy/awake/ready to rumble vs 10/10/10 = pissed off/exhausted/can barely move)

Working on a website to document movies and stories I find about fitness. There I will enclose a link to this blog.

Playing with the idea of tweeting everything I eat. This morning I had an omlette and (gasp) hashbrowns. I will be eating strictly paleo the rest of the week and will document pictures here.

On the horizon:

Clean up the diet
Be mindful of recovery i.e. to bed like a farmer not a bartender
Up the endurance training (long runs throughout week, eventually adding a pack.)
Attend regular crossfit classes in AM instead of being a little bitch and doing it after work
Stay foolish; stay hungry