Saturday, April 2, 2011

Open WOD 11.2 and met con


part 1:
 OPEN WOD 11.2
as many rounds in 15 min:
9 DL - 155#/100#
12 push ups
15 box jumps - 24/20"
For reps: 11 rnds + 9 DL + 6 PU = 411 
part 2:
for time:
100 wall balls
100 chin ups
100 sit ups
For time: 18:00

Daily report
  • Body: Fine. Well rested.
  • Sleep: 8 hours.
  • Nutrition: Spot on.
  • Notes: A bit of controversy around this score; here's my story. 
<rant> As I was about to begin and the owner of CF Minnesota (Ryan) was counting down the last minute, I realize that I have not been appointed a judge. Flustered, Ryan quickly appoints to me a supposedly trained judge, a pleasant looking woman from the crowd. I quickly rattled off how I would like her to count reps, and to say "NO!" for missed reps. In the middle of this, Ryan counted down from 10.
I went out of the gates hard putting up 5 rounds in less than 5 minutes. Around my 5th round, Ryan stands next to my judge and tells her (first gestures, then a loud whisper, then shouting) that she is calling bad reps.
My now flustered judge has difficulty staying focused. She stops counting off my reps and I lose count of where I am in my box jumps. After a round of confusion and having 3 or 4 reps called off on each movement, my judge throws the judge sheet at Ryan and says "FINE. YOU JUDGE IT."
Now on round 8 with 7 or 8 minutes to go, Ryan begins critiquing. "Shoulders back, NO REP... Hands together, NO!... Hips all the way up... NO rep!" I slowed down, waiting at the top of each rep before it was counted. This slowed me down, and already I my mind was fucked by the confusion of what just happened. Sure, some of my box jumps may not have been legit... but that is up to MY APPOINTED judge to say whether or not it is legitimate.
The fittest Crossfit athletes in this competition had box jumps called back each round; my performance was not flawless and I know this. But to make a scene, boot my judge and slow the pace of my scored reps to a beat after the top of my deadlifts, pushups and box jumps is inexcusable conduct. If there was a problem with the way my reps were being scored, my effort should have been voided at the third round and I would have participated again in the third or fourth heat. 
I find it amusing that when Ryan gave his performance in the last heat, a woman (presumably his girlfriend) judged for him. Not a single rep was called back, and by the standards many of his box jumps were 'no reps'.
Crossfit Minnesota, you have a nice facility and friendly staff but as far as my experience is concerned, this was a poorly orchestrated event. I am glad that there is not another Twin Cities Open WOD at your box.

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